Over 20 years of production experience

Teaching in Cap Haiten, Haiti. 2015
photo courtesy of Ron Haris, Media Alliance
During my time at Moody Radio in Chicago, I produced more than 350 short features (7 to 8 minutes) for Prime Time America program--heard on 330 stations across the Moody Radio Network. Currently, I am a freelance producer with The World and Everything in It, a division of World Media.
I have also had the privilege of producing a number of long-format documentaries as well as live events, including concerts and special programs.
I graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in with a B.A. in Communications and from Northern Illinois University with a M.A. in Communications with a focus on Historical Documentary Filmmaking.
My thesis was a 1-hour documentary entitled: SAVE THEM! THE LIFE OF PAUL RADER which won Best Documentary at the 2003 WYSIWYG Film Festival and received a “Commendation for Artistic Filmmaking” from the Golden Gate Film Festival 2003.
I was employed by the Moody Bible Institute for almost two decades. During that time I was involved in both radio production for Moody Radio and classroom instruction for the MBI Communications Department.
"Paul Butler is a first-rate feature producer! His stories are clear and reasoned, and always maintain a healthy balance between guest and interviewer.”
– Greg Wheatley, Host of Moody Radio’s PRIME TIME AMERICA program